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Silicon Labs


Silicon Labs is a global leader in wireless chips and systems. With a diverse B2B customer base, they wanted to create a flexible brand system that allowed for clean, premium branding, while being able to use vibrant color and add more energy for certain executions. Here are some examples of the brand system at work. 

BG27 Launch Campaign

BG27 - Pill.png
BG27 - Toothbrush.png
BG27 - Pen.png
BG27 - Ring.png

Series 3 Teaser Campaign and Video

LinkedIn 1200 x 627.png
Mobile 640 x 545.png

FG 28 Launch Campaign

FG28 Final.png
xG28-PromoImage-1200x627-EXCLUSIVE_OFFER - LinkedIn.png
xG28-BlogBanner – 1.png
xG28-BlogBanner-mobile – 1.png

Tech Talks Promotion Campaign 

1080x1080– BT Track – 1.png
1080x1080– Matter Track – 1.png
1080x1080– LPWAN Track – 8.png
RollWorks Static Ads- 970x250 –All Tracks – 6.png
RollWorks Static Ads- 970x250 –All Tracks – 8.png
RollWorks Static Ads- 970x250 –All Tracks – 5.png
RollWorks Static Ads- 300x600 –All Tracks – 6.png
RollWorks Static Ads- 300x600 –All Tracks – 8.png
RollWorks Static Ads- 300x600 –All Tracks – 5.png

Corporate Communications Content

Silab One Pager - 8.5x11.png

Machine Learning  Demo Videos

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